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Saturday, September 24, 2011

carpet bombing or napalming of japan::The 2 of them killed almost 150,000 carpet bombing or napalming of japan

carpet bombing or napalming of japan carpet bombing or napalming of japan::The 2 of them killed almost 150,000.
It was at the time the lesser of 2 evils german death camps had killed over 12 million people.
Japan had already lost 1.
Over 7 million chinese civilians were had been killed.
Over 900,000 philippine civilians had died.
If we had invaded the number of japanese civilians that died would have been in the millions.
The number of japanese solders that would have died would have been in the millions.
The number of our solders that would have died would have been in the millions.
The japanese at the time had over a million people in their prison camps and the orders where if it looked like the camp was going to be over run to kill the prisoners.
How many more of those camps would all the prisoners have been killed in?
That alone would have been more deaths then the bomb caused.
That is what the decision to drop the bomb was made off of.
Yes a lot of people died terrible deaths from radiation almost a hundred thousand of them.
But those deaths were no more painful or terrible then millions of the burn deaths and deaths from blister and nerve agents.


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