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Saturday, September 24, 2011

hereke carpet::I grant you unadultareted joy with your genuine hereke rug bought from me which combines the tradition, beauty, luxury and elegance of the turkish handknotting art hereke carpet

hereke carpet hereke carpet::I grant you unadultareted joy with your genuine hereke rug bought from me which combines the tradition, beauty, luxury and elegance of the turkish handknotting art.
A is not just a turkish rug what displays beautiful patterns by knotting the the genuine hereke rugs are real artworks which inspire kings, princes, artlovers and connoisseurs all over the world for more than 150 years.
Due to their uniqueness and highest perfection of handknotting art a genuine hereke silken rug is a longterm investment like each other artwork as well.
But nevertheless people are in a queue to take a look at the original.
I created with my website the place to purchase your hereke carpet securely and without fear to be cheated.
This i ensure with my name.
I wish you undiluted pleasure enjoying the tradition, beatuy, luxury and elegance of the genuine hereke carpets.
On my pages you learn worth knowing about the of the hereke carpets, their and why the hereke silken carpets are counted to the most durable carpets as well as to the finest of the world.
Please read about the used and their attributes.
Of course i give you hints to the of these extraordinary and rugs.
The genuine hereke silken rugs of are produced by a , whose owners preserve and devolop this great tradition already in the fourth generation.
Therefore it is possible to offer my customers like for example paintings, portraits, fotos, coat of arms, emblems.
Each hereke silken carpet purchased with me comes along with a certificate of the official or of the of each producing manufacture.
I deliver more than one million turkish double knots per square meter.
hereke carpet::The masters of knots succeeded in creating and
manufacturing the finest carpets of the world because of using from
bursa in warp, weft and knots hereke carpet


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